This will be the Biographical look at a former Disco Baby and Fashion Model from the late 1970's to early 1980' the present, hope you enjoy the ride as much as I have...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

SEDONA ARIZONA 6/9/-6/13/2011

Red Rock Sedona Arizona was awesome the streets were teaming with your New Age, Crystal wearing Hippie types, I loved it.

Legend has it that the Indian’s of Arizona claim Red Rock was where God lived, and therefore the Indians never settled there for this reason.  Personally I was a skeptic with all the New Age, Crystal, Vortex energy hocus pocus, so I thought…we went to the Vortex and the map said you can feel the vortex 1 ½ miles from the centre of the Vortex, which cost five dollars to get to, now five bucks is not going to make or break me, it is just the principle of having to pay for an experience, therefore I hung out on the perimeter of the Center and the strangest thing happened…I felt this wind and heard this hum and felt some sort of energy go threw me, hmmm well, I quickly picked up one of the stones and put it in my pocket to bring back to NYC.  Believer…YES.

This is certainly a far cry from the caverns of Manhattan…AWESOME Trip…   



Summer is here, what to wear at the beach…whether you like Bikini’s or One Pieces, the question arises what to wear over them that will take you from the water to a summer party.

The number one choices are Tunic’s, Camisoles, and Maxi’s.  J. Crew as well as Victoria’s Secret offers a plethora of styles here are just a few…



However you decide to cover up the main objective here is to have fun, so by all means go for it!!!  And for my Bohemian Flower Children, remember you can never go wrong with an Indian wrap dress…ENORMES BISOUS.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


There are many very feminine women who love a good pair trousers and an Oxford shirt, and this has nothing to do with their sexual psychological “mix-up” as suggested by some religious right…we will not even go there for it is absolutely ludicrous, nor does liking menswear make you a Lesbian as suggested by some.  With that put aside let us look at masculine wear on women and ways to throw this curve.

Suit Jackets: pair a Suit Jacket with a slim skirt or this season a miniskirt or wide leg trousers.

Oxford  Shirts: the one thing you can do is go to your tailor and have him tailor your new found Oxford to fit your feminine proportions, if you get an Oxford with French cuffs, instead of Cuff links, take a satin ribbon and tie off your cuff with a pretty bow.

Ties:  you can wear your Tie the traditional way or throw the curve and wear the Tie as a belt.  I personally do this every summer and have Ties just for this use.

Ok ladies, go at it, and by all means have fun…

Monday, June 27, 2011


The Premiere of Lost Angels was fierce…OMG I knew everyone except General Dogon, I’ve seen him in the Row, but cannot say I know him.  Anyway, I received soo many business card and handed out so many business cards, it was stupid!  The Director was supposed to have been there for a Q/A but could not make it.

After the film, there was a group of women talking about the film, as I was trying to make my way to the Men’s Room, when one of them asked how I liked the film, so I told them my story next thing you know I had half of the audience around me asking me questions…it was stupid!  They wanted to know about Lamp where I use to work, about my friendship with Mollie Lowery and especially about KK who did not present the real KK in the film, so I gave them the 411 on KK…they wanted to know, how KK was killed and who would do such a thing, pahlease!  The movie made KK seem like this good guy that was randomly killed and is this martyr…well I told them we, Mollie and I offered KK EVERY opportunity to get his life turned around, EVERY OPPORTUNITY…but nothing worked…KK is not here to defend himself so I will stop here.

NOW…to say it was a PREMIERE is one thing but it did not have the trappings of a premiere…the Director was not there to answer questions…this is New York baby, if you can’t come correct don’t come at all…but here you are…no photographers…no Champagne NOTIN, not nothing, NOTIN…

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Yves Henri Donat Mathieu-Saint-Laurent, known as Yves Saint Laurent, August 1, 1936 – June 1, 2008), was a French fashion designer, one of the greatest names in fashion history. In 1985, Caroline Rennolds Milbank wrote, "The most consistently celebrated and influential designer of the past twenty-five years, Yves Saint Laurent can be credited with both spurring the couture's rise from its sixties ashes and with finally rendering ready-to-wear reputable." He is also credited with having introduced the tuxedo suit for women, became the first designer to use ethnic models in his runway shows, and referenced other non-European cultures in his work. Yves Saint Laurent was born in Oran, Algeria; left for Paris after secondary school to pursue a fashion career; and at 17 was hired as couturier Christian Dior's assistant. When Dior died four years later, he was named head of the House of Dior. In 1961, Saint Laurent opened his own fashion house and quickly emerged as one of the world's most influential and spectacular designers.

I absolutely love Gucci Loafers but as for clothes...J’adore Yves Saint Laurent!!!

 Yves Saint Laurent Guaze Shirt - used for those days I go to Resorts in Palm Springs lounging by the poolside
 YSL Tuxedo Shirt- a gentleman's closet is not complete without an YSL Tuxedo.  I must not be a gentleman...
YSL Shirt, Belt, and Slacks...on my way to Manifesto...excuse the Loft...just moved in when this picture was taken and the place was a hot mess...LOL

Friday, June 24, 2011






Milan is just wrapping up their Menswear Fashion Week.   Collections by Roberto Cavalli, Burberry Prorsum and Dolce & Gabbana got Milan Men’s Fashion Week off to a flying start.  My favorite collection was Bottega Veneta, D&G, Gucci, and Salvatore Ferragamo.

White seemed to be the favorite color for men in Spring/Summer 2012.

Today June 24, 2011 kicks of Paris Men’s Fashion Week. 


Thursday, June 23, 2011


Blogging, when you are as new to this game as I am, it is easy to become discouraged, I mean you look at the likes of Tavi, Rumi, Bryan Boy, and Tommy Ton, and you see where they are now, and you do not know what they had to go through to get there, it all seems effortless, and I wonder why I have to suffer so, why I have 888 fans and barely get a comment on my blog.

Then I am reminded that there will be days when my best efforts will be ignored and I will be discouraged and frustrated, and days when I want to say “forget” this, for use of a better word...LOL.  But it is like little test the universe sends you, like you really want this? Then you must go through these trials, after all, nothing good comes easy.
So, if you are just starting out just know the persevering will go a long way, and that yes, there is a silver lining in that cloud, today NO comments, tomorrow more comments than we will know what to do with.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The state of being well known, having fame, renowned. There are many different things that you can do to become famous. The act of becoming famous is a long process that is going to take years of dedication and perseverance. What do we mean? Well, becoming famous is not something that just happens overnight. Not only do you have to do something worthy of being famous for, you will have to put in the time and energy to make yourself known to the public. Let us take a look at what you can do to become famous and once you are on your way there, how you can propel yourself to full super-stardom. See, becoming famous is not just about being the best in your field, it’s about doing something a little different than the rest. Famous people are famous because they have something memorable about them. To achieve those goals yourself, you are going to have to figure out what it is about yourself that makes you different. Until you figure out what makes you quirky or different, you’re never going to make it big. So, before you go anywhere else and start pursuing your dreams of super-stardom, you’re going to have to sit down with pen and paper and write down all the things that make you feel different or special.
If stardom is something you truly want, then it must be something you work hard for, it does not mean looking at yourself and other famous people thinking you can do a better job, it this were the case then it would be you who would in fact be famous and not them.  Those who have reached stardom have worked for years to get where they are now, not many are overnight sensations, and those who are do not have lasting power, here today gone tomorrow is the adage that rings true. We all want to be known and recognized for our good works be it in or nine to five or in the Arts and all that that encompasses Graphic, Photography, the Written Word i.e. Blogging, Poetry…etc, there is room for all of us to be famous, if we so desire to be.  Therefore, be careful what you wish for. Personally I am not seeking super stardom or reaching for the stars, just a little cloud...hee hee hee.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Bryanboy is the pen name of Bryan Grey-Yambao, a Filipino fashion blogger. A former web developer, he started blogging at age 17 from his parents' Manila home. His eponymous blog, which attracts 5,000 visitors per day, won the 2007 Philippine Blog Award for Best Fashion & Lifestyle Blog. The New York Post named him one of the nine hottest internet celebrities, and has called him "one of Fashion 2.0’s biggest superstars" and a "phenom in the fashion blogosphere". His blog, called "hysterically camp" by the Sydney Morning Herald, is known for its "witty and often bitchy commentary."

The blog has also attracted the attention of many in the fashion industry. Bryanboy fans often send in photos of themselves in his signature pose—standing with hips thrust to one side and a handbag in an outstretched arm—or with handwritten signs declaring "I <3 Bryanboy"; celebrity participants have included Marc Jacobs, Tanya Dziahileva, Alexandra Agoston, and Rachel Clark. Though no brand spokesman commented on the matter, it was widely reported that Bryanboy's trademark pose was referenced in two 2006 Fendi advertisements. Marc Jacobs even went so far as to name a handbag after him (the BB ostrich bag) after Bryanboy gushed about it in his blog.

Source: Wikipedia

I have not met Bryan Boy…yet…he is what every blogger wants to be, flown around the world just to Tweet and Blog and stay in fabulous hotels. The photo above was the only one that showed BB somewhat in men’s clothes, I would not call Bryan Boy a cross dresser per se, but he does “accessorize” from the women’s Department. Bryan Boy LOVES D&G and they him and often wears the latest D&G women’s ready to wear, be it a Blouse, Jacket…etc. I personal have a healthy jealousy around BB, I aspire to be him, minus the women’s wear LOL, but seriously, his is the bloggers dream come true, though it took him six years before he got an invite to a fashion show, now he is at them all, New York, London, Paris and Milan.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Anna Wintour, OBE (born November 3, 1949) is the British-born editor-in-chief of American Vogue, a position she has held since 1988. With her trademark pageboy bob haircut and sunglasses, Wintour has become an institution throughout the fashion world, widely praised for her eye for fashion trends and her support for younger designers. Her reportedly aloof and demanding personality has earned her the nickname "Nuclear Wintour".

She is the eldest daughter of Charles Wintour, editor of the London Evening Standard. Anna became interested in fashion as a teenager. Her father consulted her on how to make the newspaper relevant to the youth of the era. Her career in fashion journalism began at two British magazines. Later she moved to the United States, with stints at New York and House & Garden. She returned home for a year to turn around British Vogue, and later assumed control of the franchise's magazine in New York, reviving what many saw as a stagnating publication. Her use of the magazine to shape the fashion industry has been the subject of debate within it. Animal rights activists have attacked her for promoting fur, while other critics have charged her with using the magazine to promote elitist views of femininity and beauty.

A former personal assistant, Lauren Weisberger, wrote the 2003 bestselling roman à clef The Devil Wears Prada, later made into a successful film starring Meryl Streep as Miranda Priestly, a fashion editor widely believed to be based on Wintour. In 2009 she was the focus of another film, R.J. Cutler's documentary The September Issue.

Source: Wikipedia

I met Anna Wintour and Grace Coddington at the Burberry Spring/Summer show last year, I just very politely walked up to them and said hello, Anna shot me a look like “and you are” but then smiled and said, hello, enjoy the show. I thought I would just melt.
La Wintour has a litany of accomplishments, far too many to list here, my wish is to continue to blog and have Vogue mentor me either through the marketing department or through Andre Leon Talley.  As it stands now, I am a nobody in the fashion world trying to be someone…(fingers crossed)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


André Leon Talley (born October 16, 1949) is the former American editor-at-large for Vogue magazine, listed as Contributing Editor in the April 2010 masthead. Talley has been a front-row regular at fashion shows in New York, Paris, London and Milan for more than 25 years. He uses his influence to promote young fashion designers and mentors young talent in other fields.

His most famous pairings of late have been with designers Tracy Reese, Rachel Roy, and singer/actress Jennifer Hudson. He is known as a very close friend of pop diva Mariah Carey, fashion designer Kimora Lee Simmons, and tennis star Venus Williams. In 2007, he was ranked 45th in Out Magazine's "50 Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America". Talley has an honorary Doctorate of Humanities from Savannah College of Art and Design, where he serves as a member of the Board of Trustees. As of March 2010, Talley is currently serving on the judging panel for America's Next Top Model.

Source: Wikipedia

I had the immense pleasure of meeting Mr. Talley last year at New York’s Fashion Week, he was accompanying Grace Jones…my idol!  

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


 Hilary Alexander...Media Award.  Most of my post on my Facebook blog come from Hilary Alexander and the Telegraph UK

Lady Gaga in Thierry Mugler, gave her speech on her influence on young people and how fashion inspires us to be who we are.

Congratulations to all the winners…

Fashion Icon Award: Lady Gaga

Geoffrey Beene Lifetime Achievement Award: Marc Jacobs

Eugenia Sheppard Media Award: Hilary Alexander

International Award: Phoebe Philo

Womenswear Designer of the Year: Proenza Schouler

Menswear Designer of the Year: Michael Bastian

Accessory Designer of the Year: Alexander Wang

Swarovski Award for Menswear: Robert Geller

Swarovski Award for Womenswear: Prabal Gurung

Swarovski Award for Accessory Design: Eddie Borgo

Founders Award: Hal Rubenstein

Board of Directors' Special Tribute: Arthur Elgort

I followed the whole affair on Twitter, which gave me every detail of who just arrived and what they were wearing, it was like actually being on the Red Carpet.

The CFDA Awards are like the Oscars in the Fashion Industry.

Phoebe Philo...International Designer of the Year.
From what I was getting from Twitter, was that most attendees wore  Tux, including a lot of the ladies, and that Mini Skirts were very much the look for the evening

Monday, June 6, 2011


The Honourable Daphne Suzannah Diana Joan Guinness (born 9 November 1967) is an artist of Irish, English, and French descent and an heiress of the Guinness family. She was named to the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame in 1994. Guinness is the daughter of Jonathan Guinness, 3rd Baron Moyne and his second wife, Suzanne Lisney (d. 2005 of lung cancer).

In the mid-1980s, she lived in New York City with her sister Catherine Guinness, who was a companion of Andy Warhol. She married Spyros Niarchos, son of the Greek shipping billionaire Stavros Niarchos, in 1987 at the age of 19, but divorced in 1999 with a reported settlement of about £20 million.

Guinness lives in London and Manhattan, and has three children, following her marriage to Spyros Niarchos:

Guinness is prominent in the fashion world as a journalist and collector of haute couture. She has an interest in the use of armour in fashion. She was a model in Naomi Campbell's Fashion for Relief runway show for the White Ribbon Alliance to raise funds for mothers in Haiti in 2010. In September 2010, NARS Cosmetics will launch a new collection dedicated to her.

Last month Daphne had a performance in the Barney’s New York window, where she got ready for the Met Ball honoring Alexander McQueen’s Savage Beauty, the picture below is the dress she wore to the Gala…


 An image, possibly a photograph or a still from a film: the Tuareg, blue nomads of the desert. A journey that transforms this concept into an inspirational idea, but with a feminine interpretation, signaling one of those role reversals that characterize Armani style.

Totally monotone: matt, glossy, glittering with crystals and all-over sequins, iridescent, layered, transparent. Each fabric, material and treatment contributes its own nuance and substance, from satin to knits textured like lace. Shapes are fitted, distilled, and even when the individual items are put together, they create a compact silhouette that flares towards the hem. Skirt lengths are long, short tunics barely overlap trousers, while other superimposed garments cover the legs.

The ethnic awareness that is always a significant part of the Giorgio Armani aesthetic exhibits its natural simplicity, always set off and emphasized by the meticulous detailing. From a turban-style knotted Tuareg hat to impressive and important jeweler like amulets, with large stones framed in fabric, fine braid, and glossy metal. The cuffs in grosgrain can also feature as jewellery, and can be worn as bracelets according to the mood and atmosphere of the moment.

SOURCE: Fashion Insiders

This show was great, and the Staff at Armani gave us chocolates on our seats...the invite was blue giving one a hint as to what was coming up, unlike Versace whos invite was orange and not one orange piece. I LOVED the sandals,  though the sandals were like pointed toe stilettos. I cannot remember any heels being shown...even though the picture below gives hint of a heel (?)

Sunday, June 5, 2011


 I have just moved into this new apartment in Bay Ridge Brooklyn, the building I am in is 90 years old...the kitchen has alot to be desired, but I have a friend that renovates kitchen and bathrooms, who I will fly from LA  to do my kitchen and bathroom...but this little project I wanted to do...above is the before picture...below the work in progress.
I have embarked on the arduous task of stripping the paint from this 90 year old cabinet…I think I have bitten off more than I can chew, but I have started now, no turning back!  ! !
What needs to be done is sanding and a new glass pane, as one is much more work to be done...aren't I sooo butch...or either sooo gay...hmmm.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

THE MURSE (man purse)

A long time staple in men’s fashion in Europe for decades, it is just now hitting the United States; with how can one put it, little fanfare. Men here in the states believe it emasculate them, men in America have so many hang-ups.

While living in Paris I had a Murse and wore scarves year round, like most men in Europe, came home with these traditions and was looked at like I had grown horns on my head or something.

The Murse is not for all men, obviously, but what we have to carry these days, a smart bag would help! I carry a messenger bag that I use as a Murse, putting everything in it, cell phone, business cards, wallet, pens, my steno pad…etc. It is very practical to have a Murse, now Chanel’s Murses are a little effeminate but there are Murses that are most masculine.

It takes a confident man to carry a Murse, he must be confident in his manliness, his sexuality…etc